Are you  confused about whether you should  use 'discipline' with your child?

And worry that you're making a few mistakes!


Are you  confused about whether you should  use 'discipline' with your child?

And worry that you're making a few mistakes!

Is this familiar to you?

  • You're frustrated when your child won't listen especially when you just want him to get dressed!

  • You find yourself using threats just to get her to brush her teeth.

  • You want your child to respect you and just do what you've asked.

  • You wind up nagging or shouting and then feel guilty.

  • You know you need clearer boundaries, but you get worn down and give in. 

How would it feel if instead you could:

Get clear on your expectations and boundaries to avoid bargaining or nagging.


Raise your child without ANY 'harsh discipline' or punishment and create a family culture of respect.

Get your child to do what you've asked straight away, so you can have more time for fun stuff.


Be a calm AND positive parent, as you know everyone responds so well to that.

This can be you by taking the

'Positive Discipline, how to be gentle AND firm', 

video course.


 "WOW! This course is amazing. I was so engaged, I just couldn’t stop watching the videos. I think all parents would really benefit from it."

Perrin Sole, head teacher at a leading London nursery school

Read what other parents have to say

This course gave me such a great framework to have clearer boundaries for my kids but with a really positive way of keeping to them. I feel like a better mother now and my kids are so much easier. Don't hesitate to dive in and sign up!

Emilia Cavallo, mum to Jack 4 and Rosa 6

We were going round in circles with our toddler and so often we'd wind up using threats.  Austin now gets dressed in record time and he's so proud of himself - boom! What a great result.

Andrea Morris, parent of Austin aged 4

We were having battles over leaving for nursery on time. Camilla’s course helped us decide on our rules and boundaries and showed us how to enforce them positively. The difference has been amazing. Within a few days we stopped shouting and he became so much more cooperative!

Nicole and Oliver Style, parents of a baby and a toddler

'Positive Discipline, How to be Gentle AND Firm', video course

In 5 value-packed video lessons, you'll learn how to stay positive 
AND get your child to do what you ask without a battle.

This course includes a manual to track your progress AND
specially-designed morning and evening check-lists your child will love.


Does your child over-react and dig their heels in? Do you worry about what's 'normal'?

In this lesson you will learn:

  • The power of a parenting approach with 'positive discipline'.
  • Discover the common challenges and frustrations other parents face - giving you reassurance that your child is 'normal'.
  • Take away 5 quick ways to be more positive and notice immediately how well your child responds.
  • Know how to get your child to pay attention to you, without ever raising your voice.


Do you sometimes feel so frustrated you wind up nagging and criticising? Do you want to be more positive but don't know how?

In this lesson you will learn:

  • Descriptive praise to get your child to listen to you and want to cooperate - use the principles to end morning mahyem and bedtime battles.
  • Use positive reinforcement - so that you 'catch the good' - a child that likes himself wants to behave well.
  • Simple ways to build closeness and connection with your child and tap into their desire to please you.


Have you steered away from having rules and clear boundaries because you don't want to be the harsh disciplinarian? Do you find you're inconsistent with the rules you have so your children don't follow them?

In this lesson you will learn:

  • Figure out what rules or boundaries you want for your family to make the day go more smoothly. Meaning no more battles at betimes, mealtimes or mornings.
  • Decide on routines that help your kids feel secure.
  • How to establish a simple set of rules and routines that your kids are happy to stick to! Say goodbye to those 'groundhog day' battles.


Have you found yourself resorting to bribes? Do you feel like you give your child too much and they don't appreciate it?

In this lesson you will learn:

  • To pick simple no-cost rewards that kids love to earn - saving you money and time.
  • Set up a system for kids to 'earn' their rewards, teaching them great life-lessons.
  • How to give your kids a sense of pride and satisfaction - so great for their confidence. 
  • How to have your child appreciate what they've got.


Ever wondered how you can avoid any form of punishment and still have your child learn from their mistakes?

In this lesson you will learn:

  • How to get your child to make amends and have a positive learning experience from making a mistake.
  • Help kids learn from mistakes without shame or guilt.
  • How to use positive consequences instead of punishment. 
  • How to avoid using any threats so children aren't afraid and they take you seriously.

Lisa Forsythe, mum of 1

Lisa Forsythe, a mum of a toddler and a teacher explains how this course gave her so much confidence and taught her so much.


Why Listen to Me?

Parenting expert and mum of 4

HI, I’m Camilla, 

I love children – guess that’s why I had four of them! Yet I found it a real struggle too.  I don't know if you find this - you can be totally in love with your kids one moment and a nano second later you want to shake them? When my kids were little, I remember hiding in the toilet just to get away from the madness. Ever done that?

Deciding to get help was the best thing I ever did as I learnt how to get my kids to LISTEN to me (and a lot more). In fact I became so passionate about parenting that I trained to be a parent coach. So I've done the hard work for you as I've been at this for 20 years!

I suspect you’ve had thorough training for any other job you’ve done in your life EXCEPT being a parent?

Crazy isn’t it?

So I hope you’ll dive into this mini course to learn how to use positive discipline and get your kids to willingly do what you've asked!  

I’ve kept it simple for you in this course. Short and sweet, giving you huge value.


Are you ready to be positive, gentle and firm with your kids? 

Learn how to raise a cooperative child without any 'harsh discipline'. Get a clear system of rules and routines your kids will want to follow.

Avoid those daily battles that leave you feeling frustrated and disconnected from your child. Who hasn't had guilt or remorse after shouting? I'm excited to help you avoid those situations and have a happier, calmer family life.


Video Course for only £49

Get learning right away!

  • 5 value-packed video lessons to learn how to stay positive AND get your child to do what you ask without a battle. 
  • Course manual to track your progress.
  • Morning and evening 'check' lists to motivate kids to follow your rules for things like mornings, mealtimes and bedtimes.
  • Unlimited access - pay once and review as many times as you like.
  • A value over £200 for only £49! 

How does the video course work?

Here's a short video walk through of the members area to show you around. Once you sign up you get immediate access to be able to watch the video lessons.