Meet Camilla

There I was in September 2000 with two little boys - a tricky toddler and a colicky baby, wondering if I’d ever feel like I knew what I was doing… 

I thought I was the only mother suffering with guilt, sheer exasperation and that feeling of helplessness. 

And in that complex mix was the deepest feeling of love and protectiveness that I’d ever experienced.

Whilst I’d bumped along until then, I’d reached a point where I knew I wanted to get help elsewhere.

The books can be really helpful, but I wanted more. I needed coaching, support and guidance.

I wanted to find a way to parent with MY values. I wanted to learn how to parent with love and limits and never need to shout or use punishments.  

So I got support and inspiration in the form of 1:1 coaching and attending parenting classes.

Getting help transformed our home life and my unruly, demanding and often aggressive toddler became calm, confident, cooperative and communicative. - All the c’s!

I also had an ‘ah ha’ moment - I decided to study parenting and  link my background in training and development with a new-found passion for helping other parents so I could help them transform their approach in the way I had.

Having established myself as a parent coach, I added two girls to our brood - just to make sure I’d covered the bases and could test the principles with both genders and different temperaments :)

Camilla tips are so helpful – for those emergency situations and for everyday issues that arise whilst bringing up children. She gives out wisdom, is discreet, practical, and non-judgemental. When I remember her words of wisdom, my kids are way better off for them. 

Allie Essiri, author and mother of 3

Learn how Camilla could help you personally with your parenting...

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However it was my second son, Felix, who really shaped my approach to parenting.

He was an adorable, spirited, bundle of love and energy, but his tantrums, meltdowns and violent outbursts tested every single ounce of my patience.

Being a parent to Felix required that my husband and I really held our nerve in those moments of self-doubt, agonising over whether we were being ‘too soft’ or ‘too firm’ with him.

As we saw him emerge as a confident little boy able to regulate his emotions, we knew our approach was working.

Fast forward 20 + years, my children are all grown up, (ranging between 18-25). Despite many bumps and a lot of imperfect parenting along the way, I’m proud to say that my kids are living proof that parenting with love and limits, compassion and boundaries has a MASSIVE payoff and that’s what I want for you. 

Our relationship is so strong and based on trust and respect. They love to spend time with us and each other and they are confident, kind, open-minded, resilient and go-getting. And the great news is Felix is a well-balanced, thriving young adult. 

My daughter, Scarlett’s babysitting client: I really want to find out what your mother did so I can raise my kids to be just like you.

Scarlett: Well, she’s a parent coach and teaches parenting skills.

Client: Ah, now that explains everything!

I feel so lucky to do the work I do, and as my children have grown, I’ve had the privilege of working with 1000s of parents.

I've worked in the private and public sector with a totally diverse group of parents, ranging from the wealthy and famous to those living in dire circumstances. Single parents, same sex parents, divorced, married, cohabitating…

I am in awe of the amazing qualities parents have, whatever their circumstances and I will NEVER judge.

My belief is that we all do the best we can with the resources that we have (mental, emotional and physical resources). But that doesn’t mean to say that we can’t learn to be even better, and that’s why 
I founded My Parenting Solutions to give you support and help you learn the tools to bring out the best in your children and create a harmonious family life. 

​Camilla volunteered as a parent coach for Parent Gym for over 10 years. She has very high standards of professionalism and is thoughtful and reflective as an individual. She got amazing feedback from the parents she worked with and supported our organisation with the utmost good grace.

Geethika Jaytilaka, (Former) Director Parent Gym

When I’m about to lose it with my child I hear Camilla’s calm voice in my head saying ‘ Take 5 deep breaths. Step into your child’s shoes, and think about what might have triggered this outburst’. I’ve avoided so many conflicts by doing this and we are so much closer as a result.

Dan O’Brien, dad of 2

Here are a few fun facts about me 

I love to eat (and cook) and I’m passionate about shopping local when it’s practical, and eating fresh, locally sourced ingredients.

When I go to my neighbourhood shops, I always need to allow a little extra time to chat to the shop-keepers and find out how they are doing. 

My kids and I fight over who gets to have Molly, our beloved cat, sleep on our bed.

She’s the queen of the household so ultimately it’s her choice but we try to influence her.

I love sunshine and heat in the summer and cold sunny days in the winter.

I go to a yoga class every week - it makes me feel SO good and I’m a tiny bit more flexible than I used to be :)

It feeds my soul to meet up with friends for a good catch up and a giggle. 

But my greatest joy is spending time with my kids - hanging out, going on holiday, chatting, watching funny Youtube clips, preparing food and eating together.

Watch this short video where Camilla explains her 3 most important principles for raising a healthy child.


I'm committed to reaching compassionate parents like you who want to learn and grow.

So if you want to crack the code and know how to:

  • Connect with your child and understand their needs.
  • Have cooperation in your family - without nagging, threatening or shouting
  • Help your child deal with big feelings
  • Avoid ever using punishment
  • Help your child have strong self-belief.

Your journey starts now. I can’t wait to help you and I’d love you to explore what I’ve got on offer.



I'm committed to reaching compassionate parents like you who want to learn and grow.

So if you want to crack the code and know how to:

  • Connect with your child and understand their needs.
  • Have cooperation in your family - without nagging, threatening or shouting
  • Help your child deal with big feelings
  • Avoid ever using punishment
  • Help your child have strong self-belief.

Your journey starts now. I can’t wait to help you and I’d love you to explore what I’ve got on offer.